Probability and Chance

Our game introduces only a simple implementation of chance, so far. After the player enters the mind of the main character to begin exploring feelings, they have to hunt down manifestations of those feelings. To make this hunt interesting these objects need to be difficult to catch, to do this they must follow arbitrary paths. Using the random library in python I assign a random theta value for a 2D rotation, then a random value to be travels in the new direction the object is facing. With only a random rotation and a random forward distance traversed the path of the objects appear to be quite random and yields an appealing and somewhat natural desire to hunt them down.

Future implementations of chance could be in the aiming system. Currently there is direct ray tracing being do from the cross hair, if the player clicks the left mouse button while the ray pings back a positive hit the appropriate actions are taken for scoring and game response. The direction of the ray could randomly modulate through a tiny circle around the ray origin. Being able to shoot efficiently with this implementation will require skill. They will need to become familiar with the “workings” of the targeting system, much like understanding the strengths and weaknesses of real guns and weapons.

The player currently has no ability to influence the chance or probability in the game. The movement of the NPC’s as well as the random inaccuracies of the targeting system are fundamental game mechanics. That player has no access to understanding anything about the NPC’s beyond what they can observe. This however is plenty to get a good estimation of how their movement works. It should be noted however that even though the random movement pyton script is simple and is a series of rotations and straight line traversals. In game with your movements and them moving around in front of you in 3D, this is not as obvious to see.

As requested by my advisor:
The probability of drawing a king of diamond AND an ace of spades from two full decks of cards (that are shuffled), is simple the product of their individual probabilities… 2/104 x 2/103 = 1/2678
Throw three dice (with faces 1-6). What is the probability that the sum will be 10? 12? 14?
This is the all possible combinations to make the sum divided by all possible combinations…
10: 1/8
12: 25/216
14: 5/72

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