
Nathan Crock

Here at mathnathan.com I record my experiences learning about math and science and their applications in the world. My primary interest right now is deep learning. I try to write in a manner suitable for all audiences, if you have any questions though please feel free to contact me.

NAME / AGE: Nathan Crock, 28 years old

STORY: I want to further the positive impact that technology has on the world, and eventually provide technology to bring mankind to space. A bad habit of mine is trying to discuss everything through math and science, so here I can rant and satisfy my intellectual curiosities without talking those close to me into a coma. However, my diverse interests and passion for learning also foster a desire to be a sort of modern day renaissance man. So enjoy everything else I post as well!

CURRENTLY: I am a graduate student at Florida State University in the department of Scientific Computing. I work in the Visualization Lab and at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience. My research is in unsupervised learning and representation learning. I am developing algorithms to extract features that govern intracellular astrocytic communication.

FUTURE: I will be receiving my PhD in the next year or two. From there I plan to continue my work in artificial intelligence.

RESEARCH: You can learn more about my professional and academic career through my LinkedIn Profile.

Please give me some feedback and let me know what you think about my thoughts!

2 Responses to About

  1. Uni says:

    Great! I got introduced to this field a little late, and am thinking of doing my MS thesis in a particular sub-field of CV. Human tracking in video (surveillance) seems to be (a/c to me) a VERY worthwhile application of CV and here is where my research interest lies.

    Machine Learning… I have to complete an online course in it. Stanford’s videos are awesome!
    Glad to find other CV enthusiasts here!

  2. Nathan Crock says:


    Thanks for the feedback! Ya CV is wonderful, I have similar interests. Right now I’m trying to develop some facial recognition applications to a home automation system my roommate and I are working on!

    Keep me posted on your progress and interests.

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