Kinect Presentation

I’m doing my honors thesis on 3D scene reconstruction using Microsoft’s Kinect. Different organizations here at Florida State University have expressed an interest in utilizing it’s capabilities for their own research. I have been asked to give brief presentations on the Kinect explaining what it is and how to use it. I’m posting it here for anyone’s use. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments!

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7 Responses to Kinect Presentation

  1. Pingback: Game Document | mathnathan

  2. StanleyHu says:

    Hi! I’ interested in your Kinect Presentation, however I can’t access it from my Web Explorer. Could you pls send me a copy of it?
    Thanks a billion~
    My Email:

  3. Lakshmi says:


    Will you please mail me the presentation to

    Thanks for sharing and mailing your experience for us..


  4. linda says:


  5. ben sdira says:

    I am interested in your presentation, could you send me the 3D reconstruction using kinect
    Thanks for sharing and mailing your experience for us

  6. ben sdira says:

    hello, I am interested in your presentation, could you send me the 3D reconstruction using kinect
    Thanks for sharing and mailing your experience for us

  7. Tanaji says:


    Will you please mail me the presentation to

    Thanks for sharing and mailing your experience for us..

    – Tanaji

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