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How to Make Movies of Model Data

If you are a modeler at COAPS and are looking for a quick reference, skip to the Quick References section.

Creating movies and animations of our data is a straight forward process using VisIt’s scripting interface. We will interactively clik and drag to put the view into key frames which we’ll use to outline the path of the camera. All of the window and camera parameters will be saved at each of these key frames and then passed to a cubic interpolation routine providing the window parameters between each key frame which will give the camera a smooth path throughout its journey.

We’ll go through the steps involved below, and link to appropriate documentation for further reading.

Python Scripting Language

Everything that you can do using VisIt’s GUI can also be done through a command-line interface, much like matlab. The VisIt developers chose to create this API using Python. Python is the most widely used scripting language in the world, and is used in a myriad of applications - from web, and game development to numerical analysis and image/audio processing.

We are going to be using the Python interface to VisIt. The API is very well documented. Anything you want to know will most likey be in the Python Interface Manual.

Prepare our Data for Rendering

To make a great movie there are a lot of things to consider.

  • Background?
  • Color Schemes?
  • Lighting?
  • Annotations?
  • Keys and Legends?
  • Axes Labels?

All of these things and more are easier to experiment with and set using VisIt’s GUI. So before we begin with the scripting to animate the video, let’s make sure that all of the legends are the right size with the right units, all the axes are labeled, etc. Detailed information about how all of the settings that are available, and how to edit them for your particular projects can be found in the VisIt User’s Manual.

When you look at your visualization and the only left that you want to change is to animate the camera, then you’re ready to save the session.

Remember the name and location where you save this session file.

All the hard work you put into customizing all the settings will be saved in this file and it will be used to load the same setting when we get ready to make the animations.

Click File, and go to Save session as...

The VisIt Command-line Interface

To launch visit with the command-line interface call it from the terminal with the -cli flag. This will open VisIt with its visualization window and not the tools panel that usually opens to the side. Anything you would have clicked on in the panel is now going to be a command that you type into the terminal. To launch VisIt in command-line mode, type the following command into your terminal.

$ visit -cli

Are you getting this?

-bash: visit: command not found

If you didn’t install VisIt in your root directory, either type in the full path to the binary in the installation directory, or add the path to the installation directory to your PATH environment variable much like we did earlier in the Setting Up Your Environment section.

If the terminal gives you something simlar to this

Running: cli2.3.2
Running: viewer2.3.2 -host -port 5600 -noint
Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Nov  4 2011, 18:19:45)
[GCC 4.4.5 20110214 (Red Hat 4.4.5-6)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

and the rendering window pops up, then you’re ready to begin the next step.

VisIt Python API

There are only a few function calls that you will need to be familiar with to make the most basic of movies.

RestoreSession(filename, visitDir)

This is the function you will use to load the session that was saved in the previous section.

filename - Path to the session file.

visitDir - 0 if you’re using an absolute path, 1 if the session file is in the VisIt directory.

We’ll use this function to return to us all of the attributes which define the current frame in the rendering window. These include things like camera parameters, zoom, angle, etc.
This will be used to give us a template of attributes to write to and save in the tuple of key frames.
EvalCubicSpline( t, weights, control_points )

We’ll be using this to generate all of the window attributes between each key frame.

t - A time value between [0,1]

weights - A tuple containing weights indicating where in the range [0,1] the control point occurs

control_points - This will be the tuple of all our key frames

SetView3D( view )

Sets the view for the active visualization window

view - A View3DAttributes object

We should still have the CLI running for VisIt. The first thing we want to do is load back up all the settings and configurations we put together previously.

>>> RestoreSession( /Full/Path/To/Session/File, 0 )

This should take a minute to load up all the database information and settings again. The next step is the most important part for making movies, generating the key frames. You can have as many key frames as you want, but we are using a cubic interpolant, so of course we must have at least 4.

Click, drag, zoom and play with your view until your happy. Then we use the GetView3D() to get those attributes you just set up.

>>> GetView3D()
viewNormal = (0.298318, -0.577125, 0.760219)
focus = (150.5, 100.5, -135)
viewUp = (-0.282444, 0.707436, 0.647889)
viewAngle = 30
parallelScale = 228.802
nearPlane = -457.605
farPlane = 457.605
imagePan = (0, 0)
imageZoom = 1
perspective = 1
eyeAngle = 2
centerOfRotationSet = 0
centerOfRotation = (150.5, 100.5, -135)
axis3DScaleFlag = 0
axis3DScales = (1, 1, 1)
shear = (0, 0, 1)

These are the attributes we need to save! This is where the script comes in...

The Movie Script

Open up a Python script file somewhere. We’ll need to setup a template to store all of the view attributes.

frame0 = View3DAttributes()

This will create a container storing all of the default view attributes in the frame0 identifier. Now we copy and paste all of the information from GetView3D() and store it in frame0 by accessing all of the attributes as objects.

frame0 = View3DAttributes()
frame0.viewNormal = (0.298318, -0.577125, 0.760219)
frame0.focus = (150.5, 100.5, -135)
frame0.viewUp = (-0.282444, 0.707436, 0.647889)
frame0.viewAngle = 30
frame0.parallelScale = 228.802
frame0.nearPlane = -457.605
frame0.farPlane = 457.605
frame0.imagePan = (0, 0)
frame0.imageZoom = 1
frame0.perspective = 1
frame0.eyeAngle = 2
frame0.centerOfRotationSet = 0
frame0.centerOfRotation = (150.5, 100.5, -135)
frame0.axis3DScaleFlag = 0
frame0.axis3DScales = (1, 1, 1)
frame0.shear = (0, 0, 1)

You replicate this process for every key frame, changing the name for each attribute container until you’re ready to make the movie.

frame1 = View3DAttributes()
frame2 = View3DAttributes()

Once all of the key frames have been saved, they need to be put into a tuple.

frames = ( frame0, frame1, frame2, ... )

The EvalCubicSpline routine needs weights telling it where in the range [0,1] the key frame falls. Making them all equidistant is a great place to start. This will have the camera fly around at a constant velocity.

for i in range(7):
    x.append( float(i) / float(6.) )

The only thing left to do is make the loop to create and save each frame! But before we do that we need to specify how we want the frames saved, such as what type of image to save, and where to save it at. We’ll use the API’s SaveWindowAttributes() function. There are many other options you may want to specify, look in the Visit Python Manual for more information. Here are the basic attributes we’ll need.

s = SaveWindowAttributes()
s.format = s.JPEG
s.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0
s.outputDirectory =  "/Path/To/Output/Directory" = 1   # 1 if want Visit to automatically add 000, 001, to the end of file (We need this)
s.fileName = "frame" # This is the name of each frame saved ( will become frame000, frame001, etc )
s.width, s.height = 1680, 1050 # Here you can specify the resolution of your movie

Specify the number of frames you want and use it as the loop counter. Here is an example with 250 frames.

num_frames = 250
for i in range( num_frames ):
    t = float(i) / float(num_frames - 1)
    view = EvalCubicSpline( t, x, frames )
    SetView3D( view )

This will create the 250 frames which constitute our movie. It should be noted that this example is a very basic demonstration of what type of movies can be made. Using much more of the functionality the API provides, one can create custom time sliders, change plots mid movie, add fade ins and outs, and much more. For more information about making movies with the VisIt API and many other cool things that can be done check the Scripting section of the VisIt Wiki.

Turning the frames into a Movie

ffmpeg is a very powerful, open source, video/audio processing framework. We’ll be using it to merge all of the images we just saved from the Python script into a movie. Again, all of the information in this section and above could all be put into the same script for a one click solution to making movies of your scientific data.

On Linux and Unix systems, ffmpeg is can be used as a command-line tool. There are many, many flags and options you can use to customize your processing tasks. To read about them refer the the ffmpeg documentation. Here we will look at just the few options we’ll need to use it for our needs.

Here is the basic functionality of ffmpeg

ffmpeg [[infile options][-i infile]]... {[outfile options] outfile}...

So let’s say we generate some 250 frames from our movie script above, an example of how we could convert it would be using ffmpeg with the following options.

ffmpeg -r 7 -i frame%04d.jpeg -b 3000k -vcodec mpeg4 -an Movie.mp4
This is the frame rate of the incoming images
Specify the input images. We can use wildcards to specify the format for many images. the %04d tells ffmpeg to look for files with 4 numbers between the file name and extension. It will begin at 0 and continue counting by 1 until it can’t find any more files
Choose the particular bitrate for our conversion. 3000k is a good choice for our needs
Specify the codec used to render the video. mpeg4 creates good quality videos at a reasonable size (15Mb for our 250 frame movie)
Tell ffmpeg that there is no audio information and to skip the audio processing section to hasten rendering
Here you name the output file. The extension you use in the name will tell ffmpeg with container to use when packing the video.

After ffmpeg is finished you should have a presentation quality movie demonstrating your data.