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To control the conversion process and to customize the output, one must pass in a parameter file during the c2v call. This file provides the user with a variety of options for them to customize their conversion process. It is a simple ASCII file with no particular formatting other than what is listed below. The variables listed below are the only variables currently supported for customization. No user defined variables will be understood in the parameters file, however the file itself can be called whatever you would like.

Input Filetype

Specify the filetype with ‘input_filetype’ - hycom_z, hycom_binary, roms, ncom, modflow, etc...

input_filetype = hycom_z

Output Directory

Specify where you would like the output files to be saved. If you do not use a complete path, it will create the folder in the directory where you call c2v. If you leave this blank it will create a folder called ‘converted_files’

output_directory = directory_of_you_choice

Output Filename

You can specify the name of each converted file in the output_directory. Not specifying output_filename will append a .vtk to the end of the current filename

output_filename = name_of_your_choice


List the variables in the file you wish to convert, separated by spaces. The names must match the variable name in the data exactly. If both u and v components of a vector are read in, a vector field will automatically be generated along with the scalar components

variables = salinity temperature u_data v_data

Time Steps

One has the option to chose only a small time slice from the file (if there are more than one) Ignoring these lines will tell c2v to use the entire time series

timeBegin = 0
timeEnd = 1


One can also select a subregion of the file for faster more efficient visualization. Commenting out these lines, or leaving them blank will use the entire region. For example if you comment out jbegin = 200 it will automatically be set to 0. If you comment out jend, it will be set to the domain size

ibegin = 200
iend = 800
jbegin = 200
jend = 1000
kbegin = 5
kend = 5


Specify a bathymetry file if you need topography in your visualization. This will create a separate vtk file with one variable called ‘h’

bathymetry = /path/to/bathymetry/file


Set the gridspace flag to True if you would like x and y to be discretized by gridspace as opposed to the default longitude and latitude. This is useful for dealing with things like polar regions

gridspace = True


You can choose a factor to subsample your data by if you’re visualizing on a machine with limited resources, or the resolution is higher than needed

subsample = 2