YSP Course 2012

These are tutorials the students have put together to help each other learn Vim and Git. They are useful now while the students are actively using these tools and will also be so in the future for quick references.

Tutorials on Vim

Inserting and Overwriting
Copy and Pasting
The Configuration File
Using Buffers
Vim Commands

Tutorials on Git

Setting up Git
SSH Keys
Viewing the History
Pushing and Pulling

This is the course list, and links to all the student's blogs.

Jamila (Jamz) Picart - wondersoflife1

Maurizio Boano - mauriboano

Patrick Anderson - patrickand

Kelsey Rice - kelseyannerice

Annie Ma - adventuresandwhatnot

Elizabeth Wang - hauntedrain

Aaron Jones - blogadjones

Michael Norwalk - mnorwalk

Manasa Narasimman - landofbrainchildren

Priyanka Reddy - thecsbocsb

Enakshi Shah - shahenakshi

Briana Luthman - bluthman2

Victoria Green - nerdygreen

Grace Ying - amangoforyourthoughts

Gerardo Sanz - gerardosm6

Josh Wang - truecrypt32

Veronica Chua - 13vchua

Varun Bansal - lokic

Nicole Cohen - nicoleacohen

Natalie Hernandez - talieclouds

Angela Jiang - amhrla

Akshita Parupalli - parupalliakshita

Eric Riser - ericriser

Tina Luo - tinaluo29